
[In Hindi] | FREE ALDEC Active-HDL Student Edition | Windows 11 & 10 | Software for VHDL & Verilog

2023-12-10 6 Dailymotion

Unleash the Power of FPGA Design with FREE ALDEC Active-HDL Student Edition

Here's what you'll get with Active-HDL Student Edition:-
* Mixed-language design entry and simulation: Seamlessly work with both VHDL and Verilog, the two most popular FPGA design languages.
* Graphical design entry: Easily create and edit FPGA designs using the intuitive graphical editor.
* Comprehensive simulation capabilities: Verify the functionality of your designs with powerful simulation tools.
* Support for Windows 11 and 10: Active-HDL Student Edition is compatible with the latest Windows operating systems.

As an added bonus, you'll also gain access to:
* Valuable tutorials and documentation: Enhance your understanding of FPGA design with a wealth of learning resources.
* A supportive online community: Connect with fellow FPGA enthusiasts and seek help when needed.

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